General questions
How does it work?
After registering at www.europemailbox.com, you get delivery addresses in three European countries (Germany, Poland, Czech Republic). You can use these addresses to receive shipments from all over the European Union. Then we will deliver the parcels to your home.
What are the registration and mailbox maintenance fees?
None. It's all FREE. You only pay a fee for each incoming shipment and postage to your address.
How much doest it cost?
All prices you can find in the price list.
How do you know the parcel is for me?
Every customer has his own ID number. This ID is part of the address. If the parcel comes to our warehouse we give it to the right mailbox according the customer's ID.
The shop refuses the numbers in the address. What can I do?
In this case you can write the numbers by words. For example "EM OneTwoThreeFour".
Shipment's properties
What is the maximum weight of the parcel?
Maximum weight of the standard shipment is 30 kg.
What are the maximum dimensions of the parcel?
The maximum length of the shipment is 175 cm. Combination of lenght and circumference has to be maximal 300 cm. It is calculated as 2x height + 2x width + 1x lenght.
What is prohibited content of parcels?
- Perishable, infectious or odorous products
- Human and animal remains
- Alcohol and tobacco products
- Live animals and plants
- High value goods, e.g. cash, precious metal, valuables, real pearls, precious stones, etc.
- Artworks, with incalculable values
- Temperature-unstable goods requiring controlled temperature
- Ammunition, firearms, explosives and other articles meaned to be injured or killed
- Goods subject to excise duty, alcohol, tobacco products
- Goods in value higher than 3000 EUR
- Goods or consignments the sending of which is prohibited by any applicable law
Can I send the parcel to my mailbox with the Cash on Delivery (COD) service??
No. In the this case the parcel would be refused and it would go back to the sender.
Receiving shipment
What is delivery time of my shipment?
Delivery time depents on the destination country. You can find this information in the price list (the number in brackets in the countries list).
Which carrier will deliver my shipment?
Transportation is provided by carrier company DPD.
Shipment is damaged. What can I do now?
In the case your shipment is damaged, contact us as soon is possible.
Payments & prices
How can I pay for your services?
You can choose between bank transfer and Paypal service.
Can I pay with Cash on Delivery (COD)?
No, this payment method is not supported.
Do you offer quantity discounts?
In the case your shipment amount is over 20/month, you can ask us for discount program.